The small Brant goose spends time in New York & New Jersey, & then travels at least 1,000 miles to breed in the Arctic Circle. They stop to snack on the grass of school football, baseball & soccer fields. They are sports experts! Not only that, but they also rely on seagrass which has incredible symbiotic relationships that scientists believe developed over millions of years. The grass also stabilizes the shoreline and helps pull CO2 from the atmosphere, helping to save the planet! The story of the goose and its travels reminds us how interconnected we are.
This scarf comes in two types of fabrics: 1) Georgette silk which is a 100% natural fabric with a gossamer appearance. It is vaguely transparent with a beautiful, intense colorful print; 2) Mulmul muslin which is a super soft fabric with the lightness and softness of cotton, but more durable. Mulmul has a naturally loose yarn, which has a slightly more rustic aesthetic.